Getting pregnant quicker is possible with a tried and tested method that significantly boosts monthly conception rates and is called “fertility charting” to identify the most (and least) fertile days in the menstrual cycle. Simply recording two things makes a massive difference to the chances of falling pregnant: The basal body temperature (B...
BBT Charting
Basal body temperature charting (BBT) relies on two factors that change in response to female sex hormone levels. Temperature is one, and the other is changes in the cervix and the mucus it produces. Recording them gives a good indication of sex hormone levels and when ovulation probably occurred. The “golden rules” for taking BBT temperatures...
Ovulation is the start of the process that hopefully ends in implantation, and ovulation is a dramatic event like a small volcano erupting! The “dominant follicle” that contains the egg fills rapidly with fluid, a blister forms on its surface and the egg is expelled in about 15ml of fluid. The tentacle-like ends of the Fallopian tube “sweep” ...