Testosterone (T) is an “androgen”, one of the hormones that give men their “male” characteristics. Androgens are essential for developing the male reproductive organs (penis, prostate, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, and epididymis) when baby boys develop in the womb. The body stops making sex hormones a few months aft...
ICSI – Male
Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is the most significant development in modern male fertility treatment and has enabled tens of thousands of men to be biological fathers. Men with low sperm counts, high numbers of abnormal sperm, or whose sperm are unable to bind to (and fertilise) eggs can bypass all these barriers to conception by ha...
PCOS Treatments
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a widespread and complex condition that’s the leading cause of low female fertility. PCOS is the most common single cause of female infertility, and its treatment is very important. The complexity of the condition and its connections with Endometriosis have inspired us to explain both conditions in great det...
Treatments for the conditions that reduce female fertility either revolve around the standard options of surgery, drugs, hormone therapy and IVF or aim to improve the health and balance of the woman involved. In truth, the choice is personal and very much depends on the conditions involved. Some conditions absolutely require strong interventio...
Endometriosis Treatments
Endometriosis is one of the leading causes of reduced female fertility and can cause extreme pain and discomfort. There are multiple treatment options, but many of the medical treatments prevent pregnancy. However, natural treatment options are proving to be highly effective and raise fertility levels. The “Endometriosis package“ a...
Miscarriage Treatments
Miscarriage happens more often than most people realise, and there are five different types of miscarriage, which need to be managed differently. Some of the situations can be life-threatening, and “threatened miscarriage” is the only situation that can be saved. It’s also crucial that the chances of recurrence are reduced as much as possible ...
Female Treatments
Female treatments for low fertility have to focus on the factors that are holding back the woman’s fertility and any specific condition she has. Improving individual health and fertility are core features of the morefertile® personal fertility profiles (PFPs), and how to overcome “unexplained infertility” is covered in depth....
IVF (in-vitro fertilisation) protocols have transformed fertility treatments for millions and are specialised forms of ART (assisted reproductive techniques). A range of protocols is available that match different situations and needs, but the Long or Short protocols remain the standard IVF treatment option. However, IUI is often tried before ...
Lack of Libido Treatments
A man’s lack of libido can reflect physical or psychological stress and imbalances or be the direct result of medication for another health issue. It can be very frustrating for couples who want a family, and improving general health is essential in turning things around. Identifying possible causes and addressing lifestyle or personal ...
Counselling for male sexual problems is usually for erectile dysfunction (ED) or lack of libido. Both conditions reduce the quality of life for the men and their partners, plus they make natural conceptions challenging. Specialised “psychosexual therapy” is the recommendation, and because sex involves both partners, the partners of men with ED...