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The goal for men with Flow PFPs is to improve the balance and flow of their hormones and body substances rather than boosting energy reserves. Balance involves improving “homeostasis” (the optimal conditions) of the body because autonomic nervous system imbalances affect male sexual health and function.

All living things try to keep themselves at optimal conditions, and sensors and control mechanisms work hard to measure and control pH, temperature, hydration etc. In mammals, our hormones and nervous systems are the main ways we monitor and maintain our health, and if these go out of balance, it affects our health and fertility.

For most Flow PFP men, the issue that disrupts their balance most is stress, and when “stress” becomes “distress” it affects hormone balance, which affects how we feel, and crucially it disrupts the health of glands and organs. Stress can be relatively trivial when things aren’t “right” or running smoothly, and daily events (like the traffic) cause frustration, or bigger, more important “life plans” get blocked. Either way, stress is often an issue for Flow PFP men and their fertility levels.

However, this PFP isn’t about just people who feel a bit “stuck”; it also includes conditions that physically block conception, and changes in the circulation of blood, fluids, or hormones affect how we feel, and they create distinct symptoms:

  • Feeling heavy and achy is usually due to fluids gathering in tissues and is a big issue for Fluids PFPs
  • Hormonal and nervous system issues generally cause cramps or pains that come and go or create irritability and moodiness
  • Problems with blood circulation usually cause fixed pains (or physical masses)

The last two examples affect Flow PFPs the most, and we function best with order and stability in the body, so the goal for Flow PFPs is to improve system management issues or resolve obstructions. When the nervous system and blood circulation function smoothly, it dramatically raises health and fertility.

The ANS and Flow PFPs

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) quietly regulates essential body functions and plays many crucial roles in homeostasis. There are two sides to the Autonomic Nervous System that act against each other to maintain a healthy balance in the body:

  1. The Sympathetic is mainly concerned with stimulating “fight or flight” responses in the body, and it’s also continuously active at a low level to maintain essential organ functions. This side of the ANS increases heart rate, lung function, sweating and triggers orgasms.
  2. The Parasympathetic generally works to promote the health of the body at rest, and it’s said to stimulate our “rest-and-digest” or “feed and breed” activities. This side of the ANS is crucial for digestive and fertility health, and parasympathetic nerves are involved in sexual arousal and a man’s ability to get erections.
The relative balance of the ANS has a significant impact on hormone levels. When the Sympathetic side is elevated, there are higher levels of adrenaline, which reduces a man’s testosterone levels, impedes his sexual arousal, and lowers sperm health.

The balance of the ANS and responses to stress have a mutual relationship, with one affecting the balance of the other. The ANS is where the body’s physical, emotional, and hormonal balance is connected, and this relationship directly impacts fertility levels.

Stress and Flow

How we feel and function has a lot to do with how smoothly life flows, and while some level of stress is healthy, stress becomes “distress” when we’re not coping well. It has an invisible impact on our ability to function as we adapt to it and eventually accept it as “the norm”.

  • Extreme stress quickly changes our breathing, heart rate and digestion
  • Long-term stress can cause conditions like asthma, bowel disease, angina, insomnia, erectile dysfunction and a loss of libido
  • Stress affects the hypothalamus, the gland that connects the nervous and hormonal systems
  • The hypothalamus ultimately dictates adrenal, thyroid and sex hormone levels and controls blood pressure, temperature, and blood sugar levels
  • The ANS is intricately involved in our immune state and function, including the development of chronic diseases
  • Long-term stress continuously activates the Sympathetic without the healthy counterbalance of the Parasympathetic, and the excess release of adrenal hormones raises pro-inflammatory chemicals (cytokines)
  • High levels of inflammatory cytokines make the brain susceptible to depression and increases the chances of immune-related causes of infertility

Balancing the two sides of the ANS is crucial for our physical and emotional wellbeing. It isn’t easy to understand as much of the science is relatively new; however, we can provide tools that can:

  1. Measure and inform you of your daily ANS balance and trends
  2. Tell you how much stress you should expose yourself to each day
  3. Give real-time feedback on how events and stimuli (food, people, events) affect your ANS
  4. Empower you to learn what specific lifestyle changes will match your needs

Circulation and Flow

Emotional constraint and an unbalanced ANS aren’t the only ways men can become Flow PFPs, as physical restrictions are also part of the pattern. Problems with blood flow can be connected to other PFPs, or triggered by:

1. Physical trauma that damages the blood vessels of the penis, testes and tubes
2. High fevers or extended inflammations can alter the immune state and encourage it to clot (including anti-sperm antibodies or STIs) (Hot)
3. Extreme cold can slow down blood movement and cause pain and contraction (Cold)
4. Low energy reduces circulation, and heart disease (and the medication) and diabetes are examples (Energy)
5. Low blood reserves (usually from blood loss) reduce blood flow and can encourage it to stagnate (Blood)
6. Accumulations of fluids can encourage blood to accumulate, and varicoceles are a classic example (Fluids)
The movement of blood is essential for getting and maintaining an erection and is also crucial for the health of the testes and sperm. Varicoceles (blood pooling around the testes) are a common problem that raises testicular temperatures and lowers sperm quality.

Morefertile and Flow PFP Men

Premium morefertile® membership gives you access to:

  1. Your secondary PFP (if you have one) 
  2. A rating for each profile and what the combination means for you
  3. Clear dietary advice and recipes
  4. Lifestyle changes to help fluids
  5. Discounts on supplements
  6. Access to cutting-edge testing

We also outline the best ways for Flow PFPs to adjust their weight and manage stress to improve monthly conception rates. The different profiles have different challenges and needs, which is all part of the PFP discussion, along with personalised ways to improve fertility health, and the tests and treatments most likely to be appropriate for you. The morefertile approach:

  • Is informative and empowering
  • Raises general and fertility health
  • Speeds up natural conception times
  • Improves IVF success rates
  • Increases resilience and lowers stress levels