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Fertility Types

Fertility Types

The six morefertile® “Fertility Types” are based on the Chinese medicine principle that health is based on internal balance and the outside world. There are within and between the organ systems and the substances in them. The doctors in China studied the “function” of the different body systems as well as their physical structure. In this way they built up “patterns” of symptoms that typically appear when the different organ systems dysfunction. As Chinese medicine (CM) dates back to at least 6,000 BC, these patterns are really well understood!

The CM organ systems are similar to western medicine ones (heart, liver, lungs, etc) and they’re energised by blood, fluids, Qi and spirit. The strengths and weakness of the systems depend on these substances, and their balance is constantly changing. Other factors that affect the balance of the systems are the constitution, lifestyles, and exposure to infections, extreme climates etc. There are many ways for the systems and substances to become unbalanced and optimal health relies on these being adjusted as soon as possible. That one system can affect the health of other systems is a core part of CM, or any other “holistic” medicine. This is also true of possible links between conditions, so diabetes raising the risks of heart attack or PCOS is part of both Chinese and Western medicine.

Fertility Types Analysis

There are six “Fertility Types” to explain the main patterns of “imbalance” that reduce fertility. This may sound a lot, but 14 CM patterns are linked to infertility!i The core aim of Chinese medicine is to promote health, and the healthiest people are generally (but not always) the most fertile. The CM “holistic” approach is a powerful tool to improve health and raise fertility at the same time. Which is why fertility clinics all over the world use CM to improve their results, and infertility in China is about half the Western level!

We’ve built unique online Fertility Types Analysis Forms so that both sexes can discover their “Types”. The names of the six Types are simply a reflection of how people look or feel:


The outcome of the “Types Analysis” is one or two Types, with a score given for each of them. These show how strongly the person scores for those particular Types, and scores can change quite quickly. The information that comes with each Type explains how the body is affected and how they can develop. Having a clear idea on what things reduce health and fertility makes it much easier to change them! In this way knowing your Fertility Type transforms an overwhelming challenge into a practical, personal guide to raising fertility. It’s a game-changer and a world away from following the latest fads or someone else’s advice/experience.

Personalized Approach

The reality is we’re not all the same, and women with low ovarian reserve face different needs and challenges getting pregnant compared to women with endometriosis, PCOS or luteal phase deficiency. Lifestyle changes, diets or treatments that help one group conceive won’t help, and may harm the fertility of others. However, common themes are present, and the Fertility Types explain the adjustments each group needs to become more fertile.

Morefertile® offers a range of fertility related tests through our site, because testing is so important. Which is why medical tests routinely inform treatments in all areas of health. However some people have “unexplained infertility” or they don’t want a diagnosis. The “Fertility Types” are then able to connects people to their health and what will help them the most.


A large study into Chinese herbal medicine for infertility concluded that:i

“the odds of achieving pregnancy with Chinese Herbal Medicine are about three times greater than with conventional Western medicine treatment using standard medication or IVF”

“The fundamental principle of Traditional Chinese medicine therapy is to restore balance within the body, which affects [the] hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle, and provides a physiological environment to facilitate conception, implantation, and maintenance of a viable pregnancy.”

morefertile® is the only information site we know to integrate Western medicine, Nutrition and Chinese medicine.

  • Western medicine is amazing at diagnosing and treating clear problems
  • Nutrition is essential for health to flourish
  • Chinese medicine is excellent at adjusting the systems of the body to raise fertility

Used in combination they give:

  1. Greater understanding
  2. Higher pregnancy rates
  3. Shorter times to get pregnant
  4. Better health
  5. Less emotional and financial stress for couples trying for a baby

We hope morefertile® gives insights into healthy living, as well as raising fertility, so please join us, discover your “Fertility Type” and take the first step to being more fertile.

i ‘Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine in the management of female infertility: A systematic review’ Karin Ried, Keren Stuart. Complementary Therapies in Medicine (2011) 19, 319—331