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Male, Systems Biology

Male Hot PFPs

Temperature is the core issue for Hot PFP men, who generally feel warmer than most other people, and they also tend to be “on the go” types who find it difficult to relax at the end of the day. Their extra heat is often a reflection of their metabolic rate being higher than average. Being too hot affects how sperm develop, so it’s a significan...

Male, Systems Biology

Male Blood PFPs

The core issue for men with Blood PFPs revolves around the health of their blood and the energy that blood provides for their sperm. Blood tests are a familiar diagnostic test, with multiple aspects of blood health and narrow ranges for “healthy” blood. Many factors can alter blood health, including age, diet, trauma, hydration and immune chal...

Male, Systems Biology

Male Fluids PFPs

The goal for men with Fluids PFPs is improving the movement and nature of their body fluids. Healthy adults are 60% water, and when body fluids move slowly, they build up or get thicker, which causes heaviness, aching and tiredness. These excess fluids can also affect hormone balance, alter temperature and reduce male fertility. An ideal hydr...

Male, Systems Biology

Male Flow PFP

The goal for men with Flow PFPs is to improve the balance and flow of their hormones and body substances rather than boosting energy reserves. Balance involves improving “homeostasis” (the optimal conditions) of the body because autonomic nervous system imbalances affect male sexual health and function. All living things try to keep themselves...

Male, Systems Biology

Male Energy PFP

The goal for men with Energy PFPs is to increase their energy reserves to improve their fertility health. We all experience fluctuations in energy levels, but Energy PFP men consistently feel less energetic than most of their friends and colleagues. All body processes rely on energy, and being tired or exhausted affects fertility levels, sperm...

Male, Systems Biology

Male Cold PFP

Temperature is the core issue for Cold PFP men, who generally feel colder and are more likely to “feel the cold” than most other people. They’ll also feel tired if a lower metabolic rate than average is causing their lack of heat. This changes the male sex hormones, libido and sperm health. Occasionally Cold PFP men generally feel warm and ene...